Qualifications API

The Qualifications API is for administering Qualification records in Skills Base which includes adding, and retrieving records.



Objects used by this API

Qualification object

Name Data type Read only Description
name string No The Qualification name
person_id integer No The person that the Qualification is associated with
status string No Qualification status. Possible values are "completed", "completing", "nominated"
start_date date No A start date
end_date date No An end date
Custom Field with id {n}. Where {n} corresponds to the permanent internal id allocated to the custom field (retrievable via the Skills Base UI)


GET /qualifications

Returns all Qualifications in the instance that are associated with people.

GET /qualifications/person/:id

Returns Qualifications that are associated with the given person id

POST /qualifications/search

Searches Qualification records. See Search APIs for a description of search functionality.

The available search parameters are:

Name Arrays Wildcards
name No Yes
person_id Yes No
status Yes No
start_date Yes No
end_date Yes No

POST /qualifications

Creates a new Qualification record and associates it with the given person.

The following parameters can be POSTed

Name Required
name Yes
person_id Yes
status Yes
start_date No
end_date No