Skills API

The Skills API is for administering Skill records in Skills Base which includes adding, retrieving, updating and deleting records.



Objects used by this API

Skill object

Name Data type Read only Description
id integer Yes The unique identifier for the record, used to reference the record in other API interactions.
category_id integer No Skill Category id
name string No Skill name
description string No Skill description
Yes Custom Field with id {n}. Where {n} corresponds to the permanent internal id allocated to the custom field (retrievable via the Skills Base UI).


GET /skills

Returns all Skills in the instance.

GET /skills/:id

Returns a Skill matching the given id

POST /skills/search

Searches Skill records. See Search APIs for a description of search functionality.

The available search parameters are:

Name Arrays Wildcards
id Yes No
category_id Yes No
name No Yes
description No Yes

POST /skills

Creates a new Skill record.

The following parameters can be POSTed

Name Required
name Yes
category_id No
description No

PUT /skills/:id

Updates an existing Skill record.

The following fields can be updated:


DELETE /skills/:id

Deletes a Skill