Customizations Module

The Customizations module provides options for configuring Skills Base at a deeper level.  The options in the Customizations module are:


This allows an organization to change the application logo and background color to suit your organizational branding requirements.

Simply upload images for both desktop and mobile use and then choose the appropriate background color.  You are able to enter the HEX code or use the color picker to select the right color.

You can use the "Try it" button to preview the look of the logo and background color.

The logo and background color will be visible at the top of the left side menu bar in desktop mode

The color will be visible the full width of the header bar on the login page and the mobile menu, and as a background color to the logo (if the logo provided has a transparent background)


Simply use the "Delete this logo" buttons to remove any custom logo that have been uploaded to return your Skills Base instance back to the default logo and color scheme.