Locations Directory

The Locations directory is where you can identify in Skills Base the locations of your organization’s offices and places of work 

1. Create a new location 

  • With the “Directory” view selected, click the “Add a new location” option in the top right of the screen

  • From here
    • Give your new location a name, e.g. “London Offices”
    • Use your mouse to scroll across the map, clicking on the spot where your new location is situated – you don’t have to be precise here
    • Click “Save location” when you’re ready

2. View Location insights

  • If you’ve assigned staff members to a location, you can view insights into how that group of staff members are performing by clicking onto a location link. This will open the summary page of that Location


Additional information

  • For assistance creating Locations or assigning Locations to People, you can reach out to the Skills Base team via this link.
  • A video exploring the Locations feature further can be found here.