Locations Dashboard
The Location Dashboard is a hub for information about a particular location in your organisation. Make use of this dashboard to
- View a summary of skill and interest information of staff assigned to this location
- Examine the progress made by staff at this location towards achieving their targets
Summary Tab
The Summary Tab provides an overview of the skills, interests and knowledge of people with this location.
- At a Glance: Shows the average skill level and interest ratings of people with his location.
- Statistics: Shows basic information about people, skills and assessments in this location
- Map: Highlights this Location's position on a map
- Top Skill Categories: Shows the skills categories within a location that have a the highest average skill ratings the highest location
- Most skilled: Shows the people assigned to a location who possess the highest average skill ratings
- Most interested: Shows the people assigned to a location who possess the highest average interest ratings
- Top Skills: Shows the skills with the highest average skill rating in a location
- Top Interests: Shows the skills with the highest average interest rating in a location
Analysis Tab
The Analysis Tab allows you to take a deep dive into how staff assigned to this location are progressing towards the skill targets they’ve been assigned
Analysis table
- Skill: A skill name
- People with targets: The number of people who have Targets assigned to them for this skill
- Average skill level: The average skill level rating for all people in this location
- Competency level: The degree to which people within this location have achieved the skill targets assigned to them
- Competent people: the number of people within this location that have achieved the skill target assigned to them
Analysis graph
- A bubble graph illustrating the information displayed in the Analysis Table

Additional information