
The Organization Dashboard

At a glance

These figures are an average of all people's skill and interest levels throughout the entire organization. As with the "Most skilled" and "Most interested" lists below, these use average ratings of (only) skills that people have been assessed on. As such, the "Skill level" is an average of all skills levels displayed in the (expanded) "Most skilled" list.


  • People in this organization: This is a count of all people in the system
  • Self-assessments completed: Displays the number of people in the organization that have completed at least one self-assessment.
  • Supervisor assessments completed: Displays the number of people in the organization that have been assessed by a supervisor at least once.
  • Outstanding invitations: This is a count of the outstanding invitations created via the "Invite people" page. Note that invitations consume a license.

Most skilled and Most interested

These lists display all people in the organization that have taken:

  • At least one assessment (of either kind), when viewing Averaged ratings, or
  • At least one self-assessment, when viewing Self-assessment ratings, or
  • At least one Supervisor assessment, when viewing Supervisor ratings

The list is ordered by skill/interest level in descending order using the average rating of (only) skills that people have been assessed on. As such, the skill/interest level that is displayed corresponds to the overall skill/interest level that is shown on the person's summary page ("At a glance" metrics).

Top skills

The Top skills list displays the top skills within the organization, in descending order of skill level for people people that have:

  • At least one current assessment (of either kind) of the skill, when viewing Averaged ratings, or
  • At least one current self-assessment of the skill, when viewing Self-assessment ratings, or
  • At least one current supervisor assessment of the skill, when viewing Supervisor ratings

The Location and Role Dashboards

At a glance

These figures are an average of all people's skill and interest levels within the given location/role. As with the "Most skilled" and "Most interested" lists below, these use average ratings of (only) skills that people have been assessed on. As such, the "Skill level" is an average of all skills levels displayed in the (expanded) "Most skilled" list.

Top Skill Categories

The Top Skill Categories chart displays the top skill categories for the location/role in decending order of skill level from left to right,

The skill level displayed is the average skill level (calculated using the same formula as the "Top skills" list) for all skills within the category for people within the location/role. The skill level excludes people that have not assessed any of the skills within a given category. This allows you to see the average skill level for each skill across the Location or Role factoring only people the skill is relevant to.

Each bar within the chart is split into a count of each of the individual skill ratings that have contributed to average.

Top skills

The Top skills list displays the top skills as averaged amongst members of the location/role.  The list is ordered by average skill level and excludes people that have not assessed the skill.

Most skilled and Most interested

These lists display all people in the location/role ordered by skill/interest level in descending order using the average rating of (only) skills that people have been assessed on. As such, the skill/interest level that is displayed corresponds to the overall skill/interest level that is shown on the person's summary page ("At a glance" metrics).

The People Dashboard

At a glance

These gauges show the average of all skills that have been assessed for the person. The skill level displayed is the result of adding all of the skill levels from the Top Skills (expanded) list and dividing by the number of skills.

Top Skill Categories

The Top Skill Categories chart displays the top skill categories for the person in decending order of skill level from left to right. The skill level displayed is the average skill level (calculated using the same formula as the "Top skills" list) for all assessed skills within the category. Each bar within the chart is split into a count of each of the individual skill ratings that have contributed to average.

Top skills

This list displays all skills that the person has been assessed on, in descending order of skill level. It displays:

  • The average of the self-assessment and supervisor rating, when viewing Averaged ratings
  • The Supervisor rating, when viewing Supervisor ratings
  • The self-assessment rating, when viewing Self-assessment ratings.

Top interests

This list displays all skills that the person is interested in, in descending order of interest level. It displays:

  • The average of the self-assessment and supervisor rating, when viewing Averaged ratings
  • The Supervisor rating, when viewing Supervisor ratings
  • The self-assessment rating, when viewing Self-assessment ratings.

People with similar skills

This list displays other people that have skills in common with the person. A skill in common is any skill where both people's skill level is greater than a rating of 2. The list addresses the question "of all the people within my organization, which are the next closest match in terms of skill set and skill level?". As such, it is not unusual for people to appear in this list even if they only match on one skill.

When there is match the list displays the person along with the number of skills in common in brackets. The list is sorted in descending order by how closely the skill levels of the person match. As such, a closer match of skill levels can sort higher in the list than the sheer number of skills. When both skills and skill levels are identical amongst multiple people, those people are sorted randomly. It's not possible to actually view the specific list of skills in common.

Keen to improve

This list show skills that the person has a desire to improve their abilities in. A skill appears on the "keen to improve" list for a person when their interest level is greater than their skill level for the specific skill. The interest level must be also greater than a rating of 2. The list is ordered by interest level in descending order.

The Skill Dashboard

Most skilled

This list displays the most skilled people for the skill order by skill level in descending order. The skill level shown is:

  • The supervisor rating, when viewing Supervisor ratings
  • The self-assessment rating, when viewing self-assessment ratings
  • An average of the self-assessment rating and the supervisor assessment rating, when viewing Averaged ratings.

Most interested

This list displays the most interested people for the skill order by interest level in descending order. The interest level shown is:

  • The supervisor rating, when viewing Supervisor ratings
  • The self-assessment rating, when viewing self-assessment ratings
  • An average of the self-assessment rating and the supervisor assessment rating, when viewing Averaged ratings.

Keen to improve

This list show people that have a desire to improve their abilities in the skill. A person is flagged as "keen to improve" when their interest level is greater than their skill level for the specific skill. The interest level must be also greater than a rating of 2. The list is ordered by interest level in descending order.

The Team Dashboard

At a glance

These figures are an average of all people's skill and interest levels in the team and its sub-teams. As with the "Most skilled" and "Most interested" lists below, these use average ratings of (only) skills that people have been assessed on. As such, the "Skill level" is an average of all skills levels displayed in the (expanded) "Most skilled" list.

Top Skill Categories

The Top Skill Categories chart displays the top skill categories for the team in decending order of skill level from left to right,

The skill level displayed is the average skill level (calculated using the same formula as the "Top skills" list) for all skills within the category for people within the team and all of its sub-teams. The skill level excludes team members that have not been assessed on any of the skills within a given category.

Each bar within the chart is split into a count of each of the individual skill ratings that have contributed to average.

Top skills

The Top skills list displays the top skills as averaged amongst members of the team and its sub-teams. The list is ordered by average skill level and excludes people that have not been assessed on a given skill.

Most skilled and Most interested

These lists display all people in the team and its sub-teams ordered by skill/interest level in descending order using the average rating of (only) skills that people have been assessed on. As such, the skill/interest level that is displayed corresponds to the overall skill/interest level that is shown on the person's summary page ("At a glance" metrics).