"This Skills Base instance is not yet ready" message
It's possible to get into a situation where people are unable to log in to your instance when using mandatory fields with Single Sign On. This can occur when:
- You have set the Single Sign On default Team, Role or Location to "(Let the person choose)", and
- You have also set that field as mandatory, and
- There are no records in the system corresponding to that field
For example, if you have set the Single Sign On default Team to "(Let the person choose)", and have set the "Team" field as mandatory, but there are no teams in the system, a user signing in for the first time via SSO will receive the "instance is not yet ready" message. This is because the team field is mandatory however there are no teams in the system available for the person to choose from.
To solve this issue:
- Add some teams/roles/locations (whichever you have made mandatory), or
- Set the field as not mandatory