Knowledge Base
- I can't find my organization's shortcut link
- I forgot my password
- Can Skills Base be hosted on-premises?
- "This Skills Base instance is not yet ready" message
- How do I get a Skills Base instance?
- How much does Skills Base Cost?
- Resend Skills Base People Invitation
- Can I override the rating labels?
- Can I setup a test environment
- My teams don't show up in some lists
- I set up an instance but didn't receive the confirmation email
- Can I add more Administrators
- My users can't see their Training tab
- What is the difference between the Security Group "List" and "View" options
- I can't see some Categories in the Top Skill Categories
- How do I remove the Skills Base login screen (with SSO enabled)
- User is getting a message "no skills assigned" when attempting to start an assessment
- When looking at a Dashboard - which skill level am I seeing (Average, Self-Assessment, Supervisor)
- How do I start my skills self-assessment?
- What languages are supported?