What is the difference between the Security Group "List" and "View" options

The List and View options define what (List) and the detail (View) of what a Security Group can see.

For example - this Security Group can List Roles, but cannot View them

When looking at Roles from the Roles directory, the user can see the List of Roles, but cannot click on them (denoted by black text) to View the Role details or statistics.  

Now if we change the privilege's to have List and View (note some View privilege's have child privilege's that can be enabled/disabled depending on the level of detail you wish the security group to View)

Now the Security Group can List and View (denoted by blue text) the Roles.  Clicking on the Role will allow the user to see the Dashboard for the role.  Note we have allowed the Security Group to View the "Competency" tab but not the "Analysis" tab 


*With People - the scope of what a person can see is controlled by the People options selected. 

If List is enabled, then either Everyone or Team members only can be listed

If View is enabled,  then either Everyone or Team members information can be seen depending upon what items are selected in the View details. 

This may create a scenario where a Security Group is allowed to "List->All" and "View->Team members -- so there will be a combination of People that the Security Group can only List and also some that they can View

*Please note - to have View access to an entity, the Security Group must have the List privilege's.