Qualifications Directory

The Qualifications Directory allows you to view both a list of qualification assignments (qualifications that have been assigned to people) and also a list of all qualifications that have been added to your organizations Skills Base instance.


Viewing the Qualifications directory by "Assignments" will show a list of all the qualification assignments, as well as Custom Field columns that have been added to qualification assignments.

Qualification Assignments options

The settings icon at the top of the qualifications assignments table can be clicked to show a list of columns that can be displayed on the screen.

Column filters are also available on the table on the Name, Assigned to, Status and any Qualification Assignment Custom Field that has a Value List type. 

Multiple filters can be used together, with the filtered results being displayed in the table.  The "Export CSV" button will export the filtered results that are visible in the table (including additional pages) 


Viewing the Qualifications directory by "Qualifications" will show the complete list of Qualifications that have been added to your Skills Base instance.  If your Skills Base instance is set to Pre-defined mode (see: Pre-defined mode for more information),then you can add new Qualifications using the Add a new Qualification button.